Saturday, 2 February 2013

Get More Traffic On Your Site With Search Engine Optimization

By Joyce Loto

Without an effective search engine optimization plan, you can build the best website in the world and no one will see it. A SEO plan is required to get your page seen by those who need to see it. The tips below will help you to find some of the most effective ways to get your page ranked at the top.

Give each page its own title tag. This way, search engines won't think every page is the same and fail to index it properly. Not to mention that it becomes easier for the reader to tell the differences between the pages as well. Something as simple as titling your individual pages can push up your ranking in the SERPs.

You should make sure that the content on your site is readable rather than stuffed full of keywords. Many people do not understand how search engines work and just want to be able to get the information they need in a quick manner. If you keyword stuff your site, it could make it difficult to read and thus put a damper on the amount of traffic you get.

When you post new content on your blog or website, let your network know about it. All the major social networking websites allow you to pose links: build a friend list by adding your colleagues and customers. Every time you update your blog, post a link to your new article.

When dealing with search engine optimization it is extremely important to use your keywords or keyword phrases in the body of your web page, be it blog or otherwise. Try and use your keywords a few times in the beginning of each page to attract readers/users and keep their interest.

Do not use Flash on a website that you want to search engine optimize. Flash can take a long time to load and can not currently be read by search engine spiders, therefore any text included in a Flash file will not be indexed. To search engine optimize a website, your content needs to be visible and crawlable by search engines.

Omit session IDs and other unnecessary parameters from your URLs as part of good Search Engine Optimization. Short, to the point, URLs are advantageous because people can remember them and because search engines can more easily crawl and categorize them. The result will be more returns for your site!

Keep it simple with one URL. You do not need to have six URLs for one website. Even if the information is totally different, try to keep it all under one heading. Search engines will use different URLs for different rankings, placing you lower or higher than you should be. Customers also may get confused as to why they are constantly "leaving your site" when they really are not.

Do not be afraid to create engaging web copy that cannot be scanned and neatly indexed by search engines. You can optimize your site by writing unique, novel, and interesting content that will catch the eye of site visitors and other sites as well. This leads to increased link backs, which will ultimately contribute to your site's relevancy rankings.

Many factors contribute to search engine optimization, and what's more, there is a flood of suggestions and tips for how to achieve success. Applying the advice from this article is a simple, straightforward way to organize your efforts toward search engine optimization and boost the success of your online endeavors.

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