Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Why you should have a business blog

By Natalie Asher

For many, the one question they ask often is "why should I do a blog in the first place?" In all seriousness, before you start a blog, that is a question you have to ask. Let me put to rest right now some of the information out there.

There are a huge number of blogs that appear to have a reason or function behind them, it seems that every shop and business website now has a blog section. There are a gazillion websites that tell you (quite dubiously in my opinion) how to make money from blogging if that's what you desire but what if your blog doesn't have a particular reason or function and what about all the bloggers who are not doing it to make money, what can their motivation be.

I'm a history student and the one thing that always disappoints me is the lack of evidence from real people. Regardless of the time period, there is never anything (or rarely anything) to tell us what real people were up to at the time. I want to know what clothes they wore, what women were up to, the price of bread, how drunk they got on Saturday night or what kind of jobs they had. This is a problem because it means that all we have to go on is stuff written by men in high places and we all know that men in high places usually have ulterior motives and therefore has to be taken with a pinch of salt.

My blog started life as a way of recording things, recording for me, my family and my friends and for a long while (a long while) this was it's sole purpose. I quite liked it, it kept me busy whilst I was studying to finish a degree and be at home for our puppy, it distracted me from boring stuff like writing essays, picking up dog poo and swotting for exams. It made me feel (and this is quite sad to admit) like I had a job still and therefore a purpose in life - lets face it studying history can feel pretty pointless most of the time.

Blogging will get me results. It will if you take the time to do it right. In other words, give blogging the commitment it requires. Blogging for a business is only one aspect of a good marketing program. And blogging will get results. In fact, those businesses who have a blog get more leads and get more business.

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