Saturday, 7 July 2012

Search Engine Optimization Tips That Can Change Your Life!

By Benjamin Rowe

You are interested in learning more about search engine optimization. With so much information available on the Internet, it is hard to narrow down what is legitimate and what is trash. In this article we will provide you with high quality tips and tricks that may just work for you.

For search engine optimization use keywords within site content in a relevant way! Search engine algorithms are complex and in a constant state of flux. As they become increasingly advanced, it will no longer be enough to simply rely on keywords to drive traffic. Keywords are not meant to be used as placeholders on your site; they must be included within the site content in a meaningful and relevant way.

If you plan on utilizing JavaScript in the coding of your site, you should take special care to store the codes in an .JS external file format. This allows the search engine spiders to quickly locate, process and evaluate, how relevant your site content is without having to scan through an entire set of Javascript codes.

Today, the primary factor in determining your ranking on search engines is "relevant link backs", which is the quality and number of other sites which link to your site. To assess just how authoritative your site is, search engines count these links, and use this count to determine your ranking in relation to other sites with the same target audience. For optimum results, it is important that these link backs are relevant to your topic area.

If you have two pages on your website that are quite similar and you only want one of the pages to be indexed towards your Page Rank, then only include that one on your site map. Try to bury links to the other page in JavaScript so that the search spider doesn't find it at all.

To help with your blog search engine optimization, make sure you add categories. This makes it much easier for people to find what they are looking for. If they are interested in a specific topic, it makes it very easy for them to find other posts on it. Making it easy for your readers is a good thing!

To make your website more "crawl-able" for search engines, you should ensure that your website has a complete site map. If you do not know how to make one, you can find free site map generating tools online. Making your site more search engine friendly will give you a better chance of increasing your site's rankings.

After choosing your keyword phrase, purchase a domain name that includes your keyword. It will increase the likelihood of click-throughs, and it will give readers an instant idea as to what your site is about. This is key to rankings and is part of the reason you should always choose slightly less popular keyword phrases so that you are more likely to still find open domain names.

In summary, there is a lot of information on the Internet to sort through and determine what is legitimate. Hopefully you not only found this resource useful but you learned something new about search engine optimization. With the tips that we provided and some self-motivation, you should not be far off from being an expert.

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