Customers don't always come to a web site to buy products. Sometimes they come for information. Tell them about the products you sell, give them your store hours and phone number, provide a map so they can find your shop. Even though you haven't sold them anything, you've given them value. Customers will come back to your site if you provide value.
Since 1998 Internet usage in the United States has increased 10,000 percent from 3 to 304 million people. Identify Your Internet Business then ask yourself why customers would come to your web site. come a period of previously unimaginable innovation. But marketing guru Al Ries, author of "Positioning: The Battle for Your Mind," and most recently of "The 11 Immutable Laws of Internet Branding," says few companies have an Internet strategy that makes any sense.
It never ceases to amaze me that some people trying to do business on the Internet exhibit a bad attitude. It can take many forms. I recently sent out an email request to someone, and the answer I received, was to say the least, brusque. Needless to say, I removed his email addresses from my files, and he won't hear from me in the future.
The internet is the greatest collection of wealth or fodder, depending upon your info-perspective the world has ever seen. With such a cacophony of directories filled with video, text, imagery, sound, fury, Hot Flash and Cold Fusion, what's an information cheetah to do in order to make sense of it all and take it to another level of the Game?
42 percent of three-year-old business-to-business Web sites in the US are now profitable, with another 14 percent expecting to turn a profit within the next year, according to the latest report from ActivMedia...." Each story contains a link to related articles, so you can go a little further if you choose. It also has a search engine to help you hone in on exactly what you're looking for.
Remembering your worldwide audience, it is wise to think as large as possible when designing a high growth Internet venture. Whilst you can cater for localised areas, it is vital that your programs are capable of serving a worldwide client base should the need arise. In order to grow and expand, you will naturally require the potential to enter new markets and attract new clients.
Once you have a clear idea and evidence your concepts will work as a business venture, it is time to call in the technical expertise to build a working model. At this stage, all of the research and knowledge of your marketplace is critical to success. You will need to convey your ideas across to people who may never have been in business and have no grasp of business fundamentals. As they will probably be responsible for the design of complex programs to ensure seamless operation of your services and transactions, it is crucial you make them understand your goals.
For every successful Internet business, there are hundreds still trying to attract the attention of investors, and many will simply not succeed. It is expensive and very hard work to start a long-lasting and profitable Internet venture. This is reality and it is fickle.
Since 1998 Internet usage in the United States has increased 10,000 percent from 3 to 304 million people. Identify Your Internet Business then ask yourself why customers would come to your web site. come a period of previously unimaginable innovation. But marketing guru Al Ries, author of "Positioning: The Battle for Your Mind," and most recently of "The 11 Immutable Laws of Internet Branding," says few companies have an Internet strategy that makes any sense.
It never ceases to amaze me that some people trying to do business on the Internet exhibit a bad attitude. It can take many forms. I recently sent out an email request to someone, and the answer I received, was to say the least, brusque. Needless to say, I removed his email addresses from my files, and he won't hear from me in the future.
The internet is the greatest collection of wealth or fodder, depending upon your info-perspective the world has ever seen. With such a cacophony of directories filled with video, text, imagery, sound, fury, Hot Flash and Cold Fusion, what's an information cheetah to do in order to make sense of it all and take it to another level of the Game?
42 percent of three-year-old business-to-business Web sites in the US are now profitable, with another 14 percent expecting to turn a profit within the next year, according to the latest report from ActivMedia...." Each story contains a link to related articles, so you can go a little further if you choose. It also has a search engine to help you hone in on exactly what you're looking for.
Remembering your worldwide audience, it is wise to think as large as possible when designing a high growth Internet venture. Whilst you can cater for localised areas, it is vital that your programs are capable of serving a worldwide client base should the need arise. In order to grow and expand, you will naturally require the potential to enter new markets and attract new clients.
Once you have a clear idea and evidence your concepts will work as a business venture, it is time to call in the technical expertise to build a working model. At this stage, all of the research and knowledge of your marketplace is critical to success. You will need to convey your ideas across to people who may never have been in business and have no grasp of business fundamentals. As they will probably be responsible for the design of complex programs to ensure seamless operation of your services and transactions, it is crucial you make them understand your goals.
For every successful Internet business, there are hundreds still trying to attract the attention of investors, and many will simply not succeed. It is expensive and very hard work to start a long-lasting and profitable Internet venture. This is reality and it is fickle.
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