Saturday, 19 January 2013

AuthorRank, Online Publishing, And Website Ranking

By Harold Chan

As far as web ranking is concerned, content is king. This SEO standard has continued to remain true and effective despite the big changes in policies and standards that search engine companies have implemented the previous year particularly Google.

Thus, it is not surprising that Google's next in line move to give online users better results has something to do with content. Through AuthorRank, Google aims to identify authors, check the authenticity of their work, and give them ratings. While it is not considered a big move like Panda and Penguin, it can contribute to the rating of a website or web page.

If AuthorRank will be implemented, it can help authors who usually write original articles protect their work and so the traffic that their sites get. There are instances when the web page where duplicate content is published get higher ranking than the page where the content is originally posted. This can also help prevent fraudulent activities online since there are groups that imitate websites and transact with people.

How does Google identify content publishers? Google finally found a solution on how they can identify authors through Google+ and Google authorship. Authors who want to be indexed need to register in Google+ and link it with their website. Aside from the author's digital signature and byline, the author's profile on Google+ will help protect and promote his identity.

While AuthorRank is only a factor in determining the rating of a web page or website, it can help publishers get the kind of rating that they deserve. Sometimes illegitimate websites get high rankings than those legitimate ones. This of course is unfair and it can be addressed by implementing AuthorRank and by using the previously implemented updates like AuthorRank. Web owners and publishers may need the help of web masters to handle these updates.

That isn't a problem for website owners in Singapore because most SEO Singapore firms know the latest in web optimization. In Singapore SEO is taken seriously by web masters and this means the competition is tough among SEO firms in the country. This is advantageous to clients because it gives them many excellent service providers to choose from.

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